Where blogging means not only blogging but also a smart way of earning, then one shouldn’t take the blogging as the traditional blogging like our personal pages. Yeah! If you make a blog solely for your Daily logs or sharing your personal feeling & thoughts, then it is okey. But if you write for the global audience and let your visitors temped to buy what you sell and make them to click on your advertisement; then it is something called “SEO” that you should care about.
You know nothing about SEO, it doesn’t means that you will never be able to rank higher in so called search engines like “Yahoo, Google and Bing”. Sometimes it is seen that, a blog which is in the front page without any SEO. It happens, but it hardly happens. Your website or blog will have more visibility and more search engines friendly if you apply a little more SEO on your website design and at the time of making post. I am here to tell you these easy tips now. Don’t skim please. I have learned these tricks from my practical blogging life and found useful.
SEO is the thing which is not any software or any automatic services. It’s some simple techniques that you have to manipulate on your blog, website and even in post. Here are these—–
Keyword Choosing
Keyword is very important for SEO. Why it is important and how can I choose? See it here- How To Choose A Correct Keyword For A Blog.
Title Selection For Your Post
After choosing the correct keyword, now rush to make a quality content including these keyword on your writing. And before that, you must have to choose a correct, attractive, briefly described Title for your post.
When search engine robots come to your page; it sees the Post Title at first. So, it is better to use some keywords in your title. Using keyword in Title Tag is better, but don’t let your post title to be worst looking to the visitors by just using some keywords that makes no sense. Whatever keywords you use, try to build a complete sentence which has a meaning and which can attract the people. Remember, your good written article will be visitor-less if you can’t give it a Good Title.
Use the HTML tag <h1> on your post title. Because, <h1> is a tag on which the search engines give importance more.
Writing Post Content
After selecting Title, it’s the time of writing content. It’s mandatory to write unique and quality content to rank high in search engines. Remember, by the Copy Paste content you will never be able to get good position on Search engine’s result page.
Use your keywords at best 3 times in your post. Use keywords in your post in a good way and make a proper, understandable sentence by using the keywords. But don’t let your visitors to be irritated during reading your keyword stuffed post.
Writing A Meta Description
After writing good quality content, it’s your turn to make a Good Meta Description for your post. I already described what to consider during writing a good meta description. You can read it from here- How To Write A Good Meta Description For A Blog Post.
Using Image With Alt Tag
Using images in a post make it more attractive to read. When a visitor sees an attractive & relevant image, naturally he/she wants to read a post carefully. So, use image in a post and most importantly, use “Alt” Tag on it. Alt tag is a thing which the search engines can read. Your images are not readable to search engines but the alt tag is readable and crawl able. Use keyword in your Image alt tag to drive more visitors.
Internal Linking
To me, Internal linking is the best tricks for Search Engine Optimization. You know, whenever we search something on Google or other search engines, at most of the time we find a link or relevant results that have been taken from Wikipedia. So, what is the magic behind of it? It’s nothing but internal linking. In Wikipedia, at every post the Internal Linking is done. So, when search engine robots come to a page; it jumps one page to another page riding on the internal links and crawl every page it needs.
The other important things of Internal linking is that; it doesn’t let any link 3 or more times deeper. According to the successful blogger & SEO specialists, it’s not better to have a link which is 3 times deeper from the front page. So, try to interlink the new posts with the older and relevant one.
Internal links is also consider as back links!!! Yeah! It’s true. If you search on Google like “link:yoursite.com” to check the backlinks; you will see, some of your pages are giving back link to the main pages or other pages and counted as a back link.
So, why are stuck to thinking back link as it is possible now to get back link from your own site?
Bolding some keywords
To me, it’s an option that most of the blogger don’t do. I don’t know why all of them miss to do it. Listen to me, do you know Matt Cutts? I saw a video of him and he told that “When a search engine bots comes to a page; it looks the comparatively bolded items or fonts first.” And this is why the <h1> tag is important. So, if you bold or make a keyword Italic then I am damn sure, it would be a great trick to make your page in SERP better. It’s a proven way to me.
Social Bookmarking
It’s the last step that you should attempt to do after making every post. Yeah! Bookmark a post that you have already published on your blog to the famous bookmarking sites like “Delicious”, “Digg”, “StumbleUpon”, “Reddit” etc. Bookmarking a post to these famous sites will not only give you some extra visitors but also helps your post to be indexed by the Search Engines swiftly.
So, you should do it, though it is matter of time. Remember, don’t be lazy because, you definitely have to compete with the thousands of other bloggers in your same niche.