It seems a long way since I first ventured into the blogging world… I always thought blogging is a waste of time, but over the months, I’ve found that it’s a truly unique & enriching experience.
A BIG THANK YOU to all visitors (especially those from Mauritius) - it’s thanks to your support that this blog has been so successful. :D
Blog Trivia
1st post on was on Sunday 15th May 2007. :-)
Total visits: 15, 580 (& counting….)
Top Visitors by countries (according to Google Analytics):
1. United Kingdom
2. United States
3. Mauritius
4. India
5. Finland
Hmmm, Finland?!? Maybe because of my sheer number of Nokia-related posts. :P
Visitors’ Browser Stats:
1. Internet Explorer - 57.78%
2. Firefox - 34.29%
3. Opera - 4.57%
4. Safari - 1.94%
Internet Explorer (6 & 7) is the clear winner, but Firefox is fast catching up. I prefer Firefox for its advanced customization & add-ons.
Visitors’ OS Stats:
1. Windows - 94.62%
2. Mac - 2.95%
3. Linux - 1.47%
Nothing surprising here. Windows rules! (Mostly XP, but there’s also Vista, 2000 & 98!)
Total Comments: 115
Top commentators:
Yashvin - 15
Kyu - 12
Chervine - 4
Most commented post: FREE BB5 Unlock with 35 comments.
Most popular post: FREE BB5 Unlock
Half of visits to this blog is due to this post - post is ranked 1st on Google search for “BB5 unlock.”
Trivia ends. I couldn’t find any more stats for use. One milestone is down… I’m sure there’ll be more to come.
Blog Trivia
1st post on was on Sunday 15th May 2007. :-)
Total visits: 15, 580 (& counting….)
Top Visitors by countries (according to Google Analytics):
1. United Kingdom
2. United States
3. Mauritius
4. India
5. Finland
Hmmm, Finland?!? Maybe because of my sheer number of Nokia-related posts. :P
Visitors’ Browser Stats:
1. Internet Explorer - 57.78%
2. Firefox - 34.29%
3. Opera - 4.57%
4. Safari - 1.94%
Internet Explorer (6 & 7) is the clear winner, but Firefox is fast catching up. I prefer Firefox for its advanced customization & add-ons.
Visitors’ OS Stats:
1. Windows - 94.62%
2. Mac - 2.95%
3. Linux - 1.47%
Nothing surprising here. Windows rules! (Mostly XP, but there’s also Vista, 2000 & 98!)
Total Comments: 115
Top commentators:
Yashvin - 15
Kyu - 12
Chervine - 4
Most commented post: FREE BB5 Unlock with 35 comments.
Most popular post: FREE BB5 Unlock
Half of visits to this blog is due to this post - post is ranked 1st on Google search for “BB5 unlock.”
Trivia ends. I couldn’t find any more stats for use. One milestone is down… I’m sure there’ll be more to come.
Keep Surfing