Mobile9.com have recently launched an online S60 theme creator - just pick the elements and graphics you want and a signed .SIS is made-to-order. It’s quite similar to
OwnSkin.com (which I’ll test later).
Here’s the link to Mobile9’s online theme creator:

The first step is to select your phone model (Nokia 7610 for me). For an online theme creator, it supports a surprisingly large number of models, from S60 v1 OS7 to S60 3rd Edition devices.

Next step is to upload a background picture. Note that the background covers the entire phone screen. It’s best to resize your selected picture to 176x208 before uploading. Don’t overdo yourself in choosing your favourite wallpaper, often simple (& abstract) backgrounds give fantastic results.

You can also choose an alternate picture for the Menu Background, but it’s advised to keep the same background picture or the same colour.

Next thing is to choose the text colour, clock, battery & grid theme. “Analouge” Clock!!! Maybe this is why it’s called BETA!
For text, black is always best, unless you have a very dark background.

Hmmm… Almost done, the name’s Green Leaf.
File size: 154 kb

When I saw that filesize was only 154 kb, I knew that there would be no Nseries Icon pack. So all icons are still default ones - which isn’t good at all for me on my 7610, coz I hate those pixelised icons!
The Grid theme I chose (Grey-white gradient) definitely looks stunning. Note that this Grid theme also applies to the Gallery & the pop-out Options menus.
There’s no background for screens (Message above) & progress-bar screens - it reverts to the default white.
So not bad for a 1st theme, considering that it was made in less than 10 min & required only a single background picture. I hope that Mobile9 add an icon pack feature in the final version.
Download Green Leaf theme
(Other 3rd party customizations I’ve used are Smart Settings for the Start menu, Nfont.gdr font & a custom logo.)
& if you are looking for making uber-customized themes, here’s the PRO software by Nokia, Carbide.UI S60 Theme Studio (download