By keeping in mind what is discussed below then you won't make the kinds of mistakes others have made when the time came for them to build links to their site.
Tip 1 - Exchange Links with Non Commercial Websites
If you go online you will see a lot of websites are higher up the ranking than yours in same niche as they have chosen to link with non commercial websites. Looking to making links with domains that end in org, .edu for example. All of these types of sites can really help to improve the page ranking for your website within search engines such as Yahoo and Google.
Tip 2 - Exchange Links with Websites That Receive High Amounts of Traffic
Although you may find it hard initially to get links for your website on to these there are many benefits to be gained from doing so. However when you are choosing to link up to sites such as Yahoo or even Wikipedia then make sure that you use the kinds of keywords that will actually result in causing the people finding your site to carry out a certain action. By getting secure links from sites such as those mentioned you will find the traffic sent to yours will be far more responsive and of course far more precious as they are likely to be more willing to participate or purchase what you are offering.
Tip 3 - Create a Link through Bait
To do this you need to be able to write a short piece that people when they read it will find it interesting enough so that they are more than happy to share it with others they know. The more people who find it interesting and of course talk about it with others or share it with others then the number of great links you will be building. In some cases where link building tips have been used correctly it has caused such a stir online that the owner of the website has ended up with thousands of links back to their start which started with one small comment made on a forum or on a social networking site.
Above we have offered you three of what we consider the best link building tips we have used ourselves. However a quick search online and you will find plenty more. It would be wise to try a number of these out for a few weeks and then stick with those that you find provide you with the best response and also result in your ranking in the search engine pages improving the most. You may find that some tips work better than others but it will depend on the kind of site you are running.