Link Between Search Engine Optimization and Facebook Like

As the web evolves, Google is always searching for new and different ways to rank website. Sure, the original algorithm basics still are the same in terms of making sure sites have good relevant content to rank well. Also, link building is still maybe the second most important component when it comes to how search engines rank websites to make sure they are of quality.

Lately, there have been SEOs who suggest that the activity on Facebook may impact search engine rankings which makes total sense. If you think about it, social media has been about what users of a community deem worthy of good content and Google, along with other search engines, believe the same. The more users like something on Facebook, it will send out a signal to Google that it is content users believe is good and worthy of being authoritative content.

In order to not be left behind if this proves to be a powerful search engine optimization tool, you can start adding the Facebook like button throughout all the pages on your website giving it maximum exposure for users to click on the button so it can get linked back from Facebook.

Start placing this button, again, throughout your website, blogs and all content which can be liked by users to get exposure which may in turn result to better search engine rankings. A great way to make sure you have content deemed worthy of a Facebook like by users is to make sure you create content on your websites blog that you can write just about anything related to what your website is about and expand your content and audience reach. Think outside the box when it comes to creating content and you can start seeing a big increase in social media traffic.