It turned out to be that of an ex-tame racing alien - The Black Stig.
As you obviously don't remember, The Black Stig was killed off in the first episode of Season 3 by driving a Jaguar off a carrier. Turned out it wasn't an alien, but someone named Perry McCarthy.
& as we've recently known The White Stig has been busted as being Barack Obama, the early Graham Hill & the boss of Royal Bank of Scotland Sir Top McKillop,& some guy named Ben Collins, stunt-driver for Quantum of Solace.
Ok, let's get serious! That video is amateur-made. Not because of the missing glove – it had floated to the surface when Stig drowned.
It was this... Anyone who wanted to replicate Top Gear wouldn't have posted such a blatant hint. But it is a good idea indeed - Top Gear should take note of this. Since we already know who The White Stig is (Barack Obama i.e.), it's time to finish him off & keep the Legend of The Stig alive...Some say that he's Mac compatible, and that both of his hearts have variable valve timing. All we know is, he's called The Stig.