

I just wanted to inform all readers that I’ve moved from Blogger (themediaguru.blogspot.com) to a free custom domain –


So I’d recommend you to all update your bookmarks & blogrolls – but no need to edit links to posts, since Blogger will automatically redirect all traffic. :)
Feedburner RSS feeds has already been modified to reflect the new domain.
However, if you have subscribed to RSS feeds using the on-site default RSS feeds – themediaguru.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default then I would kindly request you to re-subscribe to the Feedburner feed –

& don’t forget there’s also the Comments Feed – http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheMediaGuruComments


& you can also follow me on Twitter! :P



The reason I had to move to a custom-domain was because of Google! Google literally banned me from Google Search… & my traffic  fell down by 60% & Adsense earnings to nil. Apart from a few keywords, my blog disappeared from all other searches.


Ok, try searching for “HSC 2008 papers leaked” – nothing will come up… On the 13th of November, when I posted it, I thought Google had removed the ban as my blog was on the first result, but the very next day, it disappeared… the ban was back…


I have waited for more than a month for Google to remove the ban, but no matter how many times I submitted a Reconsideration Request, Google never stopped being evil… Enough is enough. The remaining 40% of my traffic is from Google Image Search, & if that’s gone, I’m done for. So I decided to be as evil as Google… how about a domain-change to “reset” my blog in Google indexes…

www.themediaguru.co.cc is now a PR3 blog because I had activated that domain 5 months ago… But will it be enough to fool Google? Hmmmm…. :S

The Custom-Domain
Co.cc is a free domain service with no ads & full DNS control. If you’ve got a blog, even if you don’t want a custom-domain, I would advise you to grab up your blog’s domain name before someone else registers it. & setting up the custom-domain is really easy on Blogger. The transisiton from blogspot.com is seamless.

However, I couldn’t get http://themediaguru.co.cc to redirect to my blog, since I’m getting this error: “Another blog is already hosted at this address.” 
I’ve tried the Magical Custom Domain Form to clear it up & I’m still waiting for the 48 hours to be over.

Another problem I encountered with Blogger is that it won’t load up Blogger, Picasa & Google-hosted images anywhere except on the post. So I had to move all my template images to Imageshack.us – their servers are quite slow, so the images take longer to load…

That’s it. Ok, I know this should have been accompanied by a new template (I hate the current one) but I promise I’ll work on it after the exams. ;)


http://themediaguru.co.cc now up & working!!!
Unfortunately, Blogger’s own redirection service wasn’t working, so I decided to get dirty with DNS settings over at co.cc & it worked!
What I actually did was create a new address record (A) for themediaguru.co.cc without the www & pointed it to ghs.google.com’s IP - The TTL is set to 1 Day.
Also, I’m now using fumpr as my image hoster which claims to be the World’s Fastest Image Hosting – at least it’s faster than imageshack! ;)

Switch back to Blogger's domain after finding out that the co.cc domain is not free!!! It's only free for a year!!! After a year, co.cc make you pay for the domain according to the popularity of your site. :(