The problem was that the network adapter, Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet NIC for me, did connect to the Livebox, but it didn’t detect the Internet connection.
Because the problem occurred on both XP & Vista, I knew it was my onboard network adapter that was faulty. & while googling for it, I found it was a recurrent problem with many NICs.
The only solution, on XP was going into the network properties & repairing the connection. While on Vista, that meant going into Network and Sharing Center. Then the connection status… click on Diagnose. … to which the only solution that worked was resetting the network adapter.
But as you’ve noticed, it’s a real pain having to do that each time I start my PC.. :(
What I needed was a script that auto-resets the network adapter every time I start my PC…. & here it is. I’ll start with the easiest.
The Network Shell
Run Command Prompt (cmd) & type the following to enable/disable the network adapter.
netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" admin=DISABLED
netsh interface set interface name="Local Area Connection" admin=ENABLED
& if you want to run it on startup, copy the above in a txt & save it as *.bat & put a shortcut to that file on your startup folder (Start Menu –> Startup).
More info about Netsh.exe on Microsoft here & here.
The alternative to the above is the very powerful DevCon CLI version of Device Manager. The procedure is lengthier since you’ll need to download DevCon first – download here & then copy DevCon.exe to C:\Windows\System32 so that you can access it from cmd.
Next is to fire up cmd & then type the following:
devcon hwdis =net
For me, the first one (Realtek) is the network adapter I’m using. I note down one of its IDs & now to enable/disable my network adapter I just type the following:
devcon disable PCI\VEN_10EC
devcon enable PCI\VEN_10EC & this did the job! You don’t really need to use the longest ID, the shortest will do. Obviously if you got a different network adapter, the ID won’t be the same – just replace VEN_10EC by your ID. & if you got multiple network adapters of the same make, use the Hardware IDs, since they’ll most probably have the same Vendor IDs.
Similarly, just copy the above 2 commands to a *.bat & copy it to the Startup folder.
There’s a third way of doing it with the uber-powerful Windows PowerShell – but why bother to go such lengths, if you already have two simple commands! For now enjoy auto-resetting your network adapter! :)
I’ve encountered a slight snag while using the above 2 scripts on startup… my PC boots up too fast! & it boots faster than the Orange Livebox, so actually it resets the network adapter even before the connection is made – meaning the hack is useless. But I’ve got the solution.
So if you have a very fast PC, you’ll need to download Startup Delayer. Remove the bat shortcut from the Startup folder & then configure Startup Delayer to run the bat file 30-60s after startup. That’s it! :P
PS. I’ve been blogshoted by Kurt Avish - CarrotMadMan6 On Blogshot With Kurt!!