You want to download a Rapidshare file. If you have Dynamic IP address, that’s easy – you just disconnect & reconnect your Internet connection, you get another IP address & now you can download another file. Even then, you have to wait 2.5 min & then enter a code before your download starts… & you don’t get the maximum download speed since you are downloading as a free user – you can’t use download managers!
If you have a Static IP address, you are doomed to wait 300 min before the next download. I wouldn’t recommend purchasing a Rapidshare Premium Account just for downloading a few files!
So what to do?
You can try to use a Rapidshare Premium Generator… but they are so popular that the accounts are over within an hour.
Another possible solution is to use a Rapidshare Mirror Service… your files will be downloaded but the mirror servers are so overloaded that it will take ages for the download to complete.
The solution…
WarezShares.com’s RapidWLink Rapidshare Premium Downloader is THE software to download Rapidshare files as a premium user without paying anything! Yes, it’s completely FREE!!!
How it works?
The RapidWLink (formerly known as Rapidwarez) Rapidshare Premium Downloader uses Rapidshare Premium accounts from Warezshares.com to allow you to download Rapidshare files as a premium user… meaning you can use download managers, pause/resume the download & most importantly you can download unlimited number of files!
Download RapidWLink 0.8 here: WarezShares.com RapidWLink (627 kb)
Mirror: http://rapidwlink.890m.com/RapidWLink_v08.zip
How to download:

- The first step you need to do is register at WarezShares.com forum. Everything comes at a price… but for RapidWLink, the only “price” you need to pay is 31 posts! To be able to use the RapidWLink Downloader, you need to have a minimum of 31 forum posts on WarezShares.com. Registration is completely free & you will get access to one of the most popular warez forums on the web. PLEASE, DO NOT SPAM on the forum. Saying “thanks” 31 times counts as spamming and you will get banned from the forum. Be active by posting software, movies and music. You can also participate in various other sub-forums to achieve your 31 posts count.

- After having downloaded the software & achieved your 31 posts, you can now download your Rapidshare files as a premium user! You will need to enter your username & password (exactly as your warezshares.com forum account). The software will connect to WarezShares.com & will check whether you have your required 31 posts count.

- You will then be redirected to the download page where you can paste your download link & start your download!

- If your download doesn’t start immediately, click on Update Account & new Rapidshare Premium Accounts will be retrieved from WarezLink.
Update: check RapidWlink stats here before download.
Rapidwarez minimum requirements:
- .Net Framework – download here.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 – download here.

Please check the help section of the app if you are encountering download problems. Do not forget to backup your system32 files first if you need to copy dlls.
If you are still having problems, please post in the Problems & Feeds sub-forum at WarezShares.com
& as I mentioned before you can also use download managers if you can enable the “Monitor IE downloads” or "Integrate with browser" options.
I would recommend using Internet Download Manager:

Remember that you need to get your 31 posts counts before you can start your downloads & that there’s absolutely no restriction on how much you can download. Be active in the forum & you will be definitely rewarded! Good luck!
Update: Rapidwlink currently NOT working. Warezshares.com has taken down the app. Should be back very soon.