Now with Microsoft Math Add-In for Word 2007, you can not only perform calculations but also have a Word equivalent of what the separate application Microsoft Math 2007 (bundled with Microsoft Student) offers.

The Microsoft Math Add-in for Microsoft Office Word 2007 makes it easy to create graphs, perform calculations, and solve for variables with equations created in Word.To use the add-in, open Word 2007, type Alt-= to create a RichEdit math object, type an equation or expression, and right-click on the equation to see options for solving and graphing within Word.
The Microsoft Math Add-in adds computational and graphing capabilities to the Equation Tools Ribbon of Word 2007.
With the Microsoft Math Add-in for Word 2007, you can:
- Plot a function, equation, or inequality in 2-D or 3-D- Solve an equation or inequality
- Calculate a numerical result
- Simplify an algebraic expression
Microsoft Math stuck?

Download here. (Validation & .Net Framework 2.0 required)
As a side-note, there’s also Equation Wizard that is quite good as Microsoft Math in solving equations…

Mathematics Add-In now available for Word 2010 & OneNote 2010. Download here.