Today, Nokia announced its forthcoming S60 touch UI. It’s awesome, impressive &… iphonesque! It’s a bit too early to compare it to another well-known, uber-publicized & generally-hated multi-touch phone, since it was only a software demo, not a hardware demo… But we can trust Nokia to come up with a jack-of-all-trades that will blow up the competition (like the N95-8GB)!

In Brief: -
- Efficient and intuitive touch UI with haptics tactile feedback. In other words, the touchscreen allows the user to feel the virtual keys. So you can type or press keys without looking at the screen!
- Support for both fingers and a stylus. (I hope they will replicate the iPhone’s keyboard - with haptics feedback - then it would be even better than a real keyboard!)
- Full support for existing S60 3rd Edition apps! (of course, these apps can be enhanced to take advantage of the new touch UI)
- Motion-based "flip to silence" mode, where incoming calls can be quieted by flipping the phone on its face! (see the video!)
- Support for kinetic, proximity, orientation and light sensors. (Ha-ha! the Accelerometer!)
- UI Accelerator Toolkit enables developers to make "impressive" graphical effects. (I can hardly imagine how much you’ll be able to modify the themes!)
- Flash video support on the S60 browser - now you’ll be able to watch YouTube & browse Flash sites!
- Available to S60 device manufacturers "during 2008."
Here's the video of S60’s touch UI - DON’T MISS IT (6.4 MB):
It seems that the video of the touch UI has been copied upon the phone ad. :-/ (Coz it’s obvious no device can have such a “time lag.”)
- Efficient and intuitive touch UI with haptics tactile feedback. In other words, the touchscreen allows the user to feel the virtual keys. So you can type or press keys without looking at the screen!
- Support for both fingers and a stylus. (I hope they will replicate the iPhone’s keyboard - with haptics feedback - then it would be even better than a real keyboard!)
- Full support for existing S60 3rd Edition apps! (of course, these apps can be enhanced to take advantage of the new touch UI)
- Motion-based "flip to silence" mode, where incoming calls can be quieted by flipping the phone on its face! (see the video!)
- Support for kinetic, proximity, orientation and light sensors. (Ha-ha! the Accelerometer!)
- UI Accelerator Toolkit enables developers to make "impressive" graphical effects. (I can hardly imagine how much you’ll be able to modify the themes!)
- Flash video support on the S60 browser - now you’ll be able to watch YouTube & browse Flash sites!
- Available to S60 device manufacturers "during 2008."
Here's the video of S60’s touch UI - DON’T MISS IT (6.4 MB):
It seems that the video of the touch UI has been copied upon the phone ad. :-/ (Coz it’s obvious no device can have such a “time lag.”)

Nokia Press Release - S60 smartphone software evolves to enrich the user experience
October 16, 2007
Expanding the platform with intuitive touch user interface, sensor technologies and complete web video experience

From motion and orientation to proximity and light, sensor technology is expanding to new areas and shaping the future for mobiles. S60 brings sensor support to the platform as a generic solution enabling support for a range of sensors in S60 devices. These technologies open up a new kinetic world to the user and offer completely new opportunities for application and game developers.

Want more?
Engadget - Nokia S60 Touch Interface Announced
AllAboutSymbian.com - S60 Touch Interface Launched
Nokia - Press Release