That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Activating your iPhone via iTunes! & on top of that you don’t get iTunes in the box, you have to download it! What happens to people who don’t have a computer, don’t have an Internet connection, can’t download iTunes, don’t have an Apple account & don’t stay in the US.
Ok, iPhone isn’t a smartphone for everyone, but still if you expect your phone to be activated, you go to your Network provider. With this kind of activation it clearly shows that Apple have no intention of selling iPhone outside the US!
Syncing via iTunes
Yeah, u can’t use iPhone as an external flash drive. So everything has to be done via iTunes.

To remove your SIM card, you have poke iPhone with a pin on the top so that the SIM slides out (like your CD/DVD drive). Did I mention that you have to use an AT & T SIM only…
Battery Life
The guys at WirelessInfo.com have been running tests on the iPhone & the results don’t come anywhere near Apple estimates at all.
The guys at WirelessInfo.com have been running tests on the iPhone & the results don’t come anywhere near Apple estimates at all.

No 3G
That’s the biggest disappointment on iPhone. Most smartphones have as minimum requirement 3G (WCDMA or UMTS) but iPhone only supports EDGE (no GPRS either!).
In other words, iPhone is a US-only phone. It’s not a worldwide smartphone.

There’s only one 2 MP camera since there’s no 3G & it’s the most basic of cameras you can ever find! You get only a camera button for taking a photo. That’s all. There are no settings for the camera, everything is automatic.
Of course with iPhone, you can’t make video clips. Ever heard of a smartphone that can’t record a video?? (except those smartphones that don’t have a camera at all) What’s the use of an 8 GB flash drive if you can’t record videos on it?
Apple have definitely got the wrong meaning of convergence… (they should look at Nokia’s “Multimedia Computers”)

Yeah, iPhone has Bluetooth 2.0 but you can’t do anything useful with the Bluetooth. It only supports Mono Bluetooth headsets. No file sharing, connectivity with PC or stereo Bluetooth profiles.
No UPnP with WiFi either… So you can’t connect with your computer or other iPhones via WiFi.
Ever heard of a phone that doesn’t have MMS? Even if you don’t use it, MMS is available on almost every smartphone. Maybe Steve Jobs doesn’t like MMS. He prefers email attachments… Although Instant Messaging isn’t a necessity, it’s surprising to find an internet device like iPhone IM-less. It would have been a great success if you could pair IM with that touchscreen keyboard.
No Copy & Paste
Apple includes a fantastic email application on iPhone but doesn’t provide copy & paste functions via its on-screen keyboard! Surprising…
No Voice Dialing or Recording
That’s optional, but still, voice recording is available in very smartphone.
No Mp3 Ringtones
Yes, you can’t use your favourite songs as ringtones!!!(message tones either!) You can only use what is already available on iPhone. Apple clearly didn’t think of this…
No File Manager
Even the most basic of smartphones have a file manager, so you can delete files you don’t want. But with iPhone, you have iTunes only for browsing through your music & videos.
No 3rd party applications & games
What’s the use of a smartphone if it can’t run applications? iPhone apps will only be delivered through Apple (with a fee). There’s no support for Java either.
It’s the first phone I’ve seen that can’t run games.
Web-based apps
According to Apple, the advantage of iPhone is that all apps are web-based. (note that Safari doesn’t support Flash & Javascript) So what happens if you don’t have EDGE or WiFi access?
No, there isn’t any problem with the OS, but with its size. OS X occupies around 700Mb on your flash drive! (Compare that to Nokia’s 80 Mb S60 OS!)
& if you manage to format you flash drive, you end up with a dead phone since you need that software to connect to your PC.
They could have had stored the OS on a separate flash drive which is inaccessible (that’s what Nokia do).
No memory expansion
Although, you won’t need any further expansion with 8 Gb of space, including a memory slot would have been great.

The battery in encased inside iPhone… so you can’t carry a spare battery with you. & in case your battery falls dead, you need to take it to an Apple Store to be replaced. & if there’s no Apple Store in your vicinity… well, just too bad.
Final Verdict
iPhone isn’t made for us international users. Well, if Apple can think they can fool US users, they won’t stand a chance on the global market. Although iPhone has lots of “Wow” factor, it performs poorly as a convergence device. Clearly it’s not a smartphone… it’s an iPhone (iPod + Phone).
For a massive Review of iPhone, visit Engadget.