New therapeutic methods take adaptation

(Between/Ujang Zaelani)Semarang (Reuters)-Professor of molecular and cellular biology, University of Brawijaya v. Sumitro Sutiman, argued that the introduction of new methods in the health sector, which is much more economically than the community needs time to adapt.

Developers as a speaker at the seminar filter cigarette "Konsem sound sick in terms of Nanobiologi", in Semarang, on Saturday, saying that the application of new methods in the world of health it requires changing the mentality of the community.

"There must be continuous dissemination, so that guarantees public life more qualified," said Sutiman.

Explains the wealth of nature, as well as various ancestral salad has not edited ceiling for community needs.

"We still do not have appreciated the wealth of which is the legacy of the ancestors," he said.

According to him, this new method in the world of health care are not included as an alternative treatment, but more likely to solutif.

In addition, continued the same, the methods used by researchers also is not optimal to understand a new invention that you created.

This shows, nanobiologi technology that uses quantum physics science.

However, he continued, a number of important discoveries in the world that health should be supported by changes in the mindset of people about how quality of life.

"Not so rare, the community became ill, for example, learning the results of blood tests or medical tests," he said. * Processor: Priyambodo RH