Linkin Park’s New Divide Music Video

image The music video for Linkin Park’s New Divide, official theme song of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has premiered today on the band’s MySpace page. Check it out!

Linkin Park – “New Divide”

vlcsnap-371693vlcsnap-375301 Like all Linkin Park videos, this one is unique by its special effects, looking straight off like the visualizations of a media player with psychedelic distortions & negative image effects!

vlcsnap-375093vlcsnap-375780vlcsnap-375937vlcsnap-376351vlcsnap-377990vlcsnap-379831 The video was shot in the Tomb of the Primes (The 12 original Transformers).

vlcsnap-372434vlcsnap-373371vlcsnap-374865vlcsnap-380304vlcsnap-381176 New Divide’s music video includes what I believe to be key scenes from the film, especially revolving around the Fallen & the Transformers history with mankind.

vlcsnap-372692vlcsnap-373123vlcsnap-376635vlcsnap-376998vlcsnap-377430vlcsnap-378084vlcsnap-379368 Also included are scenes from the trailers & of Optimus Prime fighting Decepticons… including one new scene with his massive gun!

vlcsnap-377582vlcsnap-378304vlcsnap-378817 I’m also wondering if the girl in the video is… Megan Fox?

As usual it’s a superb video from Linkin Park, a fitting reply for the great song that is New Divide & the awesome movie that will certainly be Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen! :D
As soon as the HD version is released, I’ll update the screens. In the meantime, here’s the flv of the music video – Download here (16.2MB)