iPhone 3G on Orange Mauritius PrePay

iPhone 3G prepay I may be very late in noticing this… but I just checked Orange’s iPhone page today & I saw this…

So finally after having noticed that its post-paid offers were a dud, Orange launched the iPhone 3G without any contract! :)

The prices are still expensive – you could easily get a 5800 XpressMusic for Rs 13k (or N96 or an N97 for approximately the same price when it launches). & with phones like the Samsung Omnia HD, N86 or the Palm Pre launching soon, the iPhone seems so passé.
8GB – Rs 24,700
16GB – Rs 30,700

Let’s not forget it doesn’t have any data plans bundled with it. Hence you’ll still be paying that very hefty Rs0.01/KB or Rs10.24/MB!
Since we don’t have an iTunes App Store in Mauritius (Er, do we? Can anyone confirm this?), you’ll need to Jailbreak it & add Cydia.
For Emtel users, you’ll need to taste some YellowSnow

Apple Orange Shit2 You should buy this if:
- you don’t have any foreign friends/relatives who can buy it much cheaper.
- you don’t know how to buy online.
- you don’t know what’s the iPod Touch.
- you can’t wait until June/Dec for iPhone 3G v2.
- you are really desperate for one.

Thanks to Anonymous, we now know that Orange's FAQ shows you how to illegally gain access to iTunes! Brilliant!

& don't forget this: