Emtel Facebook Promo


Between the 17th & the 19th of October, all Emtel users will be allowed free 3G access to Facebook, or more precisely the mobile version of Facebook.


To access Facebook, you'll need to log onto wap.emtel.com


Except I was hugely surprised when I logged in today that it wasn't only Facebook, but all web browsing was free! So go & grab your Emtel SIMs & keep browsing for free till tomorrow 24:00.
Beware that this doesn't apply to downloading - whether from Emtel only or Rapidshare as well, I don't know. Use at your own risk, don't blame me if all your credit is gone!
Update: Due to popular demand… the server is down! Even emtel-ltd.com is down! 


Getting back to mobile Facebook, I couldn't get it to work coz Nokia browser crashed while I was signing-in (& I moved away to some more productive browsing...)
It's a good idea by Emtel to promote Facebook. However, if they really wanted to entice more users into mobile Facebooking, they should have extended the free browsing for at least a month so that enough users get addicted to it & then they wouldn't mind paying.

Follow me on Twitter

Facebook has recently been providing Twitter-like status updates. But it's still not addictive as Twitter - the key to twittering being to follow the right people.
Btw for those who never tried Twitter, you can follow me from here & I’d recommend Twhirl for status updates.


Off-topic: Top companies investing most in R&D
The EU’s Industrial Research & Innovation have published their 2008 Research & Development (R&D) Investment report.
Here's the top 5 companies investing the most in R&D:
1. Microsoft - € 5.58 billion
2. General Motors - € 5.54 billion
3. Pfizer - € 5.53 billion
4. Toyota Motors - € 5.45 billion
5. Johnson & Johnson - € 5.25 billion

The next tech company after Microsoft is Samsung at 8th. Google is at a mere 38th position with € 1.45 billion - they prefer acquisitions over research. & Apple is at the 82nd position with € 586 million - I wonder how many people still get duped that their products feature innovative technology, while in reality Apple copies everything...
But the most appalling thing is that Microsoft is the world leader in R&D, but they still never get things right with Windows...

Check out the different versions under which Windows 7 will be marketed - from BoingBoing.net
