Fair Usage Policy for more reliable broadband services


Just got this lovely little mail from evil dear Orange

FUP for more reliable BS broadband services.

We know that you enjoy surfing and downloading music, movies and pictures. But we also know that this can get a little frustrating at times, as heavy users on our network can reduce the internet speed at your end.

Heavy users download very large files 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, leaving less bandwidth for the rest of you. And we think it’s unfair that you should not be getting good speeds when you surf the internet because of a very small number of users. To make sure everyone is getting the best quality connection speeds from us, we have set up monitoring tools to identify those few very heavy users and to manage their bandwidth.

That’s why we have introduced the Fair Usage Policy. We know the majority of customers usage will always fall well within this policy, but this will also help us address any excessive usage, so you always get the most reliable broadband services.

How would you qualify as a heavy user? Well, if you continuously download large files, then there is a great chance that you are a heavy user. For example, if you are an ADSL 512K customer and you download over 4,000 music tracks per month or more than 28 movies per month and keep on doing this type of download every month, then you would qualify as a heavy user. This type of download is a large amount by any normal standard of usage. Below is an indicative of FUP thresholds for other ADSL packages:

Indicative thresholds ADSL Home
No of MP3s
OR No of movies

Click here for more information about the Fair Usage Policy and our new Orange ADSL Terms & Conditions.

For any questions, call us free of charge* on 8900 or visit www.orange.mu
*from any Orange mobile or MT fixed line

No… this is no warning mail, but just an “awareness” campaign by Orange. For once, they’ve officially confirmed the capped limits, but no idea of what they’ll do once you go beyond those limits.

Considering an average MP3 at 5MB & a movie at 700MB (hence a Scene released dvd-rip LOL), here are the limits:

128k – 10GB

512k – 20GB

PS. I’m waiting for Orange to send me that warning letter now… or else… will they cap me without any warning? smile_whatchutalkingabout