Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, dear Blog!


Time flies… (yeah, I never noticed the exams creeping up on me) & it’s unbelievable that it’s hardly one year I’ve been blogging!

From this…

& this…

To this…

Yaaay! Man Utd are still Champions! :P

Total Posts: 219
Total Comments: 552
Pageviews: 105, 474
Max RSS subscribers: 80
Not bad, ya? But the most impressive is indeed the Visitor Count! Passed the 100K milestone last week!

Traffic Details

Traffic has also increased steadily, up to a maximum of 986 Pageloads (when Anti-Orange sentiment was high last month)!

My first post was Blog is now Online, now changed to About Me. Everybody starts off as a noob & so did I with a post asking “How do you like this blog?” - really stupid!
Nevertheless, blogging was an incredible experience - getting to explore the different blogs, tried blog monetization, learnt a bit of CSS & most importantly I made new friends (at the mbb). Special mention to all commenters as well, without whom this blog wouldn’t have lasted long!
Usually, a Blogversary calls for celebration - changing the look of your blog, but with the exams on my head, I’ll look into that later. I know I’ll have to change the template, coz it’s getting very messy! :)

& unfortunately, there’s no cake left from the Blog Birthday Party… The dog ate it! LOL

Birthday cakes photos via Flickr: (I didn't get the opportunity to cut my own cake!) :(
I Want Birthday Cake Too!! [dog]

Again, Happy Birthday dear Blog!

Birthday Gift from Google - PR updated from 0 to 3! :D